If our brains are not connected, we cannot function effectively.
What does that mean?
All brain activity is coordinated by neuronal networks. If there is a dysfunction or disruption of one or more neuronal circuits or there is some slowing in the timing of neuronal transmission, a person will have some trouble thinking, learning, remembering, understanding, integrating new information and coping with life.
A person may suffer from over connectivity in the brain or under (poor) connectivity. The following symptoms are indications of poor connectivity of certain brain areas:
• speech problems: leaving out words and phrases: in stead of “I will take the dog for a walk” a person would say “walk dog”; “defily” for “definitely”; battling to find the correct word to describe something;
• general word finding or “lost vocabulary” -“the word is on the tip of my tongue” but the person is unable to utter it. The person may understand a concept but is unable to verbalize thoughts or get a message across.
• What is the disconnection syndrome?
• Asperger and Autistic children can not imitate others because their mirror neurons are not connected.
• When connections in the brain are poor, learning becomes a problem.
• One may not be able to follow instructions through because the information gets lost on the way.
• Poor motivation and procrastination may be due to hypo coherence or poor connectivity.
When a person is over connected or suffers from hyper coherence one can present with the following symptoms:
• A person repeats his actions. Tourette syndrome is a good example – they will repeat a word and / or a swearword uncontrollably.
• Obsessive compulsiveness (i.e repeated hand washing) is an example of hyper coherence or over connectivity of certain areas of the brain. They feel forced or driven to repeat actions or have repetitive thoughts.
• Stuttering is another example of hyper coherence. In other words the person is over connected and cannot control his actions.
Hyper or hypo coherence in other words, overly connected or poor connectivity may be found with:
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• The 5 learning disorders
• Stroke
• Autism
• Memory Impairment
• Various psychiatric disorders
• Memory impairment
Neurotherapy is a tool utilized to remediate these problems and thereby normalizes brain functioning. Before neurotherapy can be utilized to remediate hyper (over connectedness) or hypo coherence (disconnection), a quantitative EEG (Q EEG) should be performed, which shows how much of each frequency range the brain produces in different brain areas relative to a world wide norm. It also indicates hyper and hypo coherence. According to the Q EEG results a program is identified to train the brain to operate more effectively.
Dr Annemie Peché